A workshop for students and early career scientists will be held in conjunction with the annual conference of the Association of the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography in February, 2019. The workshop will provide a model that can be implemented in one day at any research conference and will focus on improving both oral and visual communication skills. Workshop organization and evaluation will be managed by Drs. Schiebel and Stone, from Suffolk University. The main speakers will be Dr. Jessamyn A. Fairfield, a physicist and Lecturer, National University of Ireland Galway's School of Physics and Dr. Echo A. Rivera, owner of Creative Research Communications, LLC. Both speakers are highly experienced and well qualified, with expertise in training scientists to give effective presentations to a variety of audiences. Evaluation of the workshop will be conducted by Dr. Rebecca Stone, Assistant Professor of Sociology, Suffolk University.
This workshop will offer a group of approximately forty students and early career scientists an opportunity to improve their presentation skills. The plan for the workshop is solid, and the event is likely to be well-attended and highly successful because it will be held in conjunction with a large annual conference. The broader impacts of the workshop include training and professional development for a diverse group of participants. In addition to the training provided to participants, this award will support two early career scientists who will gain experience in workshop organization and grant management.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.