During June 1987 the NOAA research vessels OCEANOGRAPHER and RESEARCHER will complete a zonal section across the Pacific Ocean from Peru to Custralia at about 15 S. The cruises are part of the Transport of Equatorial Waters (TEW) experiment, a component of ongoing EPOCS and TOGA programs, and will provide data to determine the fluxes of water and heat across the section. This grant will provide funds to make shipboard analysis phosphate, nitrite, nitrite, and silicate during these cruises. The nutrients will be used to trace the general ocean circulation to determine the zonal extent of nitrogen deficient waters in the South Pacific and answer specific questions on the gnobal also provide ground coverage for future studies of the circulation and ocean fluxes, like WOCE and GOFS. The principal investigators are eminently qualified to carry out this task. Codispoti and Barber have long records of work on the nitrogen and carbon cycles in the ocean.