The Shelf Mixed Layer Experiment (SMILE) is a cooperative research program designed to address the fundamental question of how the surface boundary layer over the continental shelf responds to atmospheric forcing. The SMILE field program will be conducted over the nortern California shelf from November 1988 to mid-May, 1989, and will consist of five main components: A long- term moored array, a short-term moored array, shipboard Conductivity/Temperature/Depth (CTD) and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) surveys, a coastal meteorological array to observe variability of the marine atmospheric boundary layer, and overflights with an instrumented aircraft to measure atmospheric forcing, Eight investigators at four institutions will participate. Beardsley (WHOI) is the lead P.I., while Davis (Scripps), Friehe (UC-Irving), and Dorman (San Diego State) propose to participate through subcontracts to WHOI.