The Rosensteil School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Miami will acquire several items of oceanographic instrumentation to be placed in a pool of shared use equipment. This equipment is maintained for use on or in association with the two research vessels the institution operates. A substantial part of the ships' operating schedule during 1988 is in support of NSF-sponsored research projects. The instrumentation will also increase the capabilities of the ships and of the University to support research and engineering activities. The instrumentation includes: -A disk drive system and other peripheral equipment for increasing shared-use, sea-going computing capabilities, -a deck control unit for a device (CTD) that collects precision Temperature and Conductivity data as a function of Depth, -precision temperature sensors for the CTD, -probe and firmware for improving dissolved oxygen measurements, -a thermosalinograph for continuously monitoring and recording sea surface temperature and salinity while the ship is underway, -replacement water sampling bottles for collecting discrete seawater samples at specific depths, and -an uninterruptable power supply laboratory computer equipment. The instrumentation described above will increase the capability of the Institution to support NSF-sponsored research and engineering projects.