The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) will design and construct a prototype underwater Acoustic Local Area Network (ALAN) for real-time communication with remote ocean-bottom scientific instruments. The ALAN will rely on a newly developed underwater acoustic modem that was designed to interface to a wide variety of oceanographic data acquisition systems, ranging from relatively low data-rate thermistor or current meter arrays, to high-rate sensors such as acoustic Doppler current meters and video imaging systems. The ALAN is conceptually similar to land-based cellular telephone networks. It will enable real-time, interactive, long-term, offshore monitoring, as well as adaptive sampling and experimental control. Data throughput of 10 kilobits/sec is anticipated. The operational range will extend 5-10 kilometers from a central controller in deep water and up to 100 instruments may be eventually accommodated. The initial test deployment in Monterey Canyon will consist of a dozen two-way sensors transmitting to a surface receiver that will have a HF radio link to shore. The capability to receive oceanographic data in real time and communicate with remotely deployed data gathering instruments has long been desired by ocean scientists. Having this new capability will open new research opportunities as well. Investigators from Northeastern University and the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute are collaborating on this project.