Proposal #: 93-21879 The PI requests funding to purchase shipboard instrumentation in support of NSF-funded research. The instruments will be used aboard the R/V KNORR, a 279 foot vessel owned by the Navy, the R/V OCEANUS, a 177 foot vessel owned by NSF, or the R/V ATLANTIS II, a 210 foot vessel owned by WHOI. All of these vessels are operated by the Institution in support of oceanographic research, and NSF is the primary user of each ship. Instrumentation requested includes computer hardware, a 3-D GPS system, an FSI CTD system, CTD data storage upgrades, Niskin bottles, auxiliary sensors for the CTD, a calibration temperature bath controller, a water filtration system, a multi-sensor core logger, a -70 degree freezer, a grab sampler, a hydro winch slip ring assembly, a portable sterilizer. The instrumentation requested is required for support of NSF-funded cruises aboard the ships during 1994/95 and will enhance the scientific capability of the vessels in the future.