9503818 Pillsbury In this project, the PIs will measure near-bottom velocities across the Argentine continental slope near 42 deg S. during 1996 and 1997. Nine moorings at nine different depths, ranging from 200m to 5200m will be deployed, using a newly-developed expendable vector-averaging current meter, with temperature and pressure sensors at a height of 50m from the bottom on each mooring. Data will be retrieved by an ARGOS transmitter released after one year's deployment. A second set of instruments will be deployed after the first year. Ship support will be provided by Dr. A. Piola and the Argentine Naval Hydrographic Service, and hydrographic surveys will be conducted during each deployment cruise. This is a collaborative study, and in this award the PI, who has been the primary PI involved in the development of the expendable current meters will have primary responsibility for fabricating and deploying the expendable current meters and mooring