9601625 Weller The Vector Measuring Current Meter (VMCM) was developed by Drs. Robert Weller and Russ Davis and commercially produced by EG&G Sealink System. According to the PIs, the science requirements for high quality vector measurements in the near surface region near buoys continue to increase and the VMCM propeller current meter is recognized as the current standard. The problem is that the VMCM is no longer commercially available and the data recorder and reader, originally manufactured by Sea Data Corp, are also no longer available or repairable. This proposal seeks funding to redesign the vector measuring circuitry, data acquisition and storage components so as to provide a new, lighter, flexible, inexpensive and low power instrument. Replacement of aging tape recorders will increase data return. Reduction of size and weight will permit the use of the VMCM on new mooring designs, such as horizontal arrays. The project will permit the over 40 EG&G Sea Link, Inc. VMCMs that the Upper Ocean Processes group uses, as well as those within the rest of the oceanographic community to be used reliably into the next decade. WHOI's cost share of $159,000 represents 51% of the total cost for this project. ***