9634171 WERNER This project represents a continuation of a site-specific biophysical modeling study of Georges Bank and the adjacent shelf as part of the U.S. GLOBEC Northwest Atlantic Field Studies, Phase 2 program. The project will use the Dartmouth finite element models to investigate water circulation and transport on Georges Bank and adjacent shelf areas. Individual-based models of early life stages of fishes will incorporate the role of turbulence, stratification and feeding. Retrospective studies of MARMAP and GLOBEC data will also be conducted to examine shelf-wide and interannual/decadal scales. Modeling analysis of historical zooplankton distributions will address the relative importance of the Gulf of Maine and Scotian Shelf as sources of Georges Bank populations. A moored field component is included in this project to measure the key inflows to the Georges Bank/Gulf of Maine system. The investigations will be closely coordinated with the proposed Canada GLOBEC studies on the Scotian Shelf. ***