Author: erom at nsf3 Date: 3/23/98 11:49 AM Priority: Normal TO: mweller at nsf17 Subject: Abstract for 97-30408 Message Contents 9812514 Summary: The proposed instrumentation project requests funds to develop a sensor that can be used to determine the Eulerian or profiled measurement of turbulent kinetic energy rates in high energy environments such as the bottom and surface boundary layers. The new sensor will offer the capability to measure the full dissipation spectrum directly via backscatter. It will also permit the analysis of statistics of the dissipation variable. Initial development of the single-axis laboratory prototype of this sensor was funded via an NSF SBIR grant (95-60930), and follow-on funding for final development was recommended by the Phase II SBIR technical panel (see reviews for 97-10425), but was not ultimately obtained. This proposal is a collaborative proposal with Dr. John Trowbridge at WHOI (98-12514). First, the PI proposes further development of the instrument, which is necessary since a two axis system will be required for a field instrument and the PI plans to incorporate a new fast Doppler signal processor and data storage media. Secondly, the PI and Dr. Trowbridge (WHOI) will conduct a bottom boundary layer inter-comparison experiment on the south shore of Martha's Vineyard. The object of this experiment is to examine dissipation as measured directly by the laser sensor, and as deduced from turbulent spectra using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter.