Funds are provided to conduct an extensive analysis of observations of the Indonesian throughflow in conjunction with a simple, reduced gravity numerical model to elucidate the dynamics acting on seasonal to annual time scales. The observational data set consist a network of shallow pressure gauges, underway ADCP and CTD surface measurements, a current meter mooring, hydrographic and XBT sections, wind data and sea surface altimetry. The main scientific question that will be addressed are: (1) what are the mean and variability of the throughflow; (2) what are the processes that cause variability on annual, semi- annual, and intraseasonal time scales; (3) what is the impact of this variability on heat and salt transports; (4) how does the South Java Current alter the water mass structure in the basin, and (5) what are the changes associated with the 1997-1998 El Nino event.