The Business-Higher Education Forum proposes to stimulate a broad national discussion and develop a comprehensive vision about how to revitalize American know-how by improving the inventiveness and productivity of American citizens. This will be accomplished in the following stages by a task force of Forum members who represent the nation's major academic and corporate chief executives: 1) developing a consensus among leaders of business and higher education regarding educating and retooling the American work force which will be the framework for a major Forum report to be released on Labor Day 1988. 2) developing recommendations in early 1989 for Federal, state and local leaders. This project will provide valuable information on not only elementary, secondary, and undergraduate education, but also on the training and retraining of the workforce--topics of grave concern to an increasingly technological society. The cochairmen of this project are extremely able and can solicit cooperation from government, industry, and academia. The Forum has a track record of valuable contributions in related areas.