This award is in support of the chemical aspects of the second Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP II). Ice core samples retrieved from the GISP II project will be analyzed for major cations and anions, total acidity and ionic balances. The data will be used for several purposes, which may be broadly categorized as identification of climate change indicators, examination of the history of volcanic eruptions, determination of changes in global atmospheric chemistry (both natural and anthropogenic), identification of solar phenomena, and comparison with other chemical and physical measurements involved in GISP II. These objectives will be achieved by a program which includes processing the core samples, conducting the chemical analyses of the samples, and performing data analysis. Core processing will involve ultra- clean procedures to prepare the samples for analysis. The chemical analyses will be conducted primarily by ion chromatography. The data will be treated to determine statistical features such as trends over time, episodic events, and dominant frequencies for cyclic variations in concentration. The results of the project, when combined with other types of data from GISP II will be used to further our understanding of global change. The findings will also enhance our understanding of the impact of man's activities on the global atmosphere.