The Climate Research Institute seeks to inform public policy officials and opinion leaders of the gravity of the climate change challenge. Scientists have predicted a global warming of as much as 9 degrees F. by the middle of the 21st Century. Increased vulnerability of coastal areas to storm damage, and significant changes in agriculture production, forestry, and fisheries have been predicted. The conference on "The Arctic and Global Change" to be held October 25- 27, 1989 in Ottawa, Canada, will bring together top scientists studying climate change and its likely impacts; and U.S. and Canadian government policy makers, environmental leaders, and corporate decision makers. NSF is one of several government and non-government sponsors of this conference. Because significant climate change may be observed first in the Polar regions, this proposal is important to the Division of Polar Programs. Research on climate change in the Polar regions is also a major concern to the U.S. Arctic Research Plan.