This award provides funds for the analysis of data acquired by the investigators from an active experiment that injected very low frequency (VLF) radio waves in to the Earth's magentosphere from Siple Station, Antarctica. Receivers to measure the rich variety of phenomena discovered were located at Siple and at Lake Mistissini, Quebec. In addition, the VLF waves were also measured on a number of satellites. Siple Station has now been closed; however, the Siple transmitter, operated for nearly twenty years, provides a rich storehouse of data that remains to be fully exploited. The main thrust of this research is to study the interaction of the artificially launched VLF waves with the population of trapped energetic particles that make up the magnetospheric (Van Allen) radiation belts, and in particular to better understand how VLF interactions can be amplified by the magnetosphere and how they can cause the precipitation of energetic particles into the atmosphere and thereby control the particle population.