The PI plans to develop a strong program of research and education activities in experimental magnetic resonance at George Mason University. The planned research consists of two lines of investigation: (i) study of the physical mechanisms responsible for the relaxation rates associated with quadrupolar nuclei in crystalline materials using nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR); (ii) study of the flow of polarization from laser-polarized xenon to its surrounding environment using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The proposed research on NQR has applications to the detection of landmines, explosives, and narcotics. The proposed work on NMR/laser-polarized xenon has applications to quantum computing, as well as many other important applications to increase the sensitivity of NMR. By exposing women students to research projects on the proposed topics, the PI hopes to encourage them to continue their careers in science, engineering, and related fields.
The planned education activities include the development of engaging introductory level courses to retain student interest in physics, the introduction of new laboratory experiments and demonstrations to promote hands-on learning of physical principles, mentorship of women students, and supervision of undergraduate and graduate research projects. It is anticipated that the ADVANCE award will not only advance the PI's career in academic science, but also allow her to serve as a role model and mentor to women students who are pursuing careers in academic science, engineering, or related fields.