This is a proposal from Wayne State University (WSU) to perform research on heavy quark physics and continued operations of their efforts on the CLEO experiment at Cornell. The WSU group and the CLEO collaboration made the first measurement of the width the D*+ and set the first limit on D-mixing in the K*-electron-neutrino channel. For the BTeV experiment at Fermilab, the WSU group is studying the experiment's ability to perform charm physics and is doing R&D related to cooling of the pixel detector. The PI is a co-leader of the Interaction Point Beam Instrumentation sub-group for the Linear Collider. The PI will do R&D on measuring the luminosity spectrum. Work will also be done on a monitor of the beam-beam collisions, on a negative ion time projection chamber as a main tracker, and on a silicon-based drift solid state tracking system. Work on the planning for a Linear Collider includes studies of semi-leptonic D decays at CESR-c/CLEO-c, and construction of the BTeV pixel cooling system. The Wayne State University outreach efforts are centered on a separately funded REU/RET program that trains students and high school teachers in the winter and takes them to the labs in the summers, e.g. STAR at Brookhaven, CESR, CLEO, and BTeV. Ten students and four teachers are trained each year with a high fraction being from underrepresented groups and first in family in higher education. The WSU program also produces direct research benefits as a few of the students have co-authored peer reviewed publications with the PI's. The contacts made in the program are used as a recruiting tool for both graduate students in physics and undergraduate physics majors.