We now know that there in fact is physics beyond the standard model, in the form of dark matter, dark energy, and neutrino masses, but we have only begun to study these areas experimentally and theoretically. The PI intends to explore many topics including unexpected signals of the dark sector in terrestrial and cosmological experiments, sensitivity of neutrino masses to new forces, and interactions between the standard model and dark energy. By exploring what connections could exist between these apparently disparate fields - dark matter, dark energy, neutrino physics, collider physics - we gain insights into their possible nature, and find ways terrestrial and cosmological studies can compliment one another. The PI also intends to develop new course materials to teach the rapidly evolving details of this field. The outreach part of the proposal will involve the development of new interactive classroom demonstrations, aimed at high school students, in partnership with the Governor's School in North Carolina, a public summer school for academically or artistically advanced students.