The goal of this proposal is to realize the participation of the PI's high energy physics program in the Forward Pixel Detector subsystem for the CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), CERN and continuation of the Level 3 Trigger and Silicon Track Trigger (STT) Projects at the Fermilab D0 experiment. The main thrust of the PI's efforts on CMS would be in the assembling and building of this detector, incorporating its geometry into the framework of CMS tracking software and performing its software alignment using reconstructed tracks. This effort is critical to understanding and to achieving the full physics potential of the Pixel Detector system in a timely manner. On D0, the main tasks planned for the next year are to continue monitoring the data quality, to maintain the Level 3 Trigger Jets analysis, to continue developing the b-tagging efficiency, and to begin preliminary Run II data analysis on the Top quark and Higgs Physics.
Funding of this proposal would enable the PI's contribution and commitment to high energy physics research and would enhance the educational opportunities for undergraduate students, local high school students and teachers while providing an excellent opportunity for recruiting students into scientific disciplines. By training students on advance computing techniques and their use in scientific discoveries, the PI will be able to disseminate the appreciation for the state-of-the-art machinery of modern science and promote the transfer of the acquired knowledge to the classroom.