This program represents the first phase of the transition of the experimental group in Cornell's Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics (LEPP) from its traditional program of heavy quark physics to a new program of energy frontier physics at the LHC with the CMS Collaboration. The LEPP group intends to make significant contributions to CMS in the crucial stages that follow hardware construction. These include: Pixel Detector: developing calibration and monitoring software; Electromagnetic Calorimeter: providing a full geometric description of the ECAL for reconstruction and simulation that is flexible enough to incorporate misalignments; Core Software: developing a new core software infrastructure that incorporates some of the most successful features of the CLEO framework including support for "unscheduled" processing and a framework for accessing non-event data; and LHC Physics: installing CMS Monte Carlo software locally and initiating a program of physics studies in preparation for early response to the data. The broader impacts program includes extensive outreach to local K-12 schools, including both in-school programs and out-of-school workshops for teachers, educators, and high school students, and the public, as well as programs for undergraduates.