The objective of the REU Site in Physics and Astrophysics at the University of Rochester is to offer undergraduate students nationwide the opportunity to take part in forefront physics research in eight subfields: particle and nuclear physics, quantum optics, condensed matter, biological , plasma, astrophysics, geo- and environmental physics, and physics education. The REU program has shown success in the participation of women, a highly underrepresented group in physics, and serves a significant number of students from non-research institutions each year. A range of recruitment strategies for minority students is in place both at the department and at the institutional level. Stipend support and on-site housing are available for all participants. Each student works with a faculty adviser on a specific project within the context of the overall research focus of the group. The program includes mini-courses in machining and electronics; a GRE preparation course is offered in conjunction with other summer undergraduate programs. REU students attend weekly presentations by University faculty, tours of University research facilities, social outings and may also take part in the department's summer outreach activities. The program concludes with a student symposium, at which each student speaks on his/her research project; students submit written abstracts and reports of their research experiences. Students are strongly encouraged to continue their projects toward publication and are eligible for additional support to present their results at national student and professional conferences. The RET program sponsors teachers selected from area high schools. RET activities engage undergraduates, teachers, and high school students in projects including cosmic ray and high energy particle detection, and geo- and astrophysics data analysis using web-based databases. Those projects are designed to continue in the school setting during the academic year. This award is co-funded by the Divisions of Physics and Astronomical Sciences and by the Office of Multidisciplinary Activities in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences.