This award supports the Training and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics (TREND) REU Site at the University of Maryland. TREND's goal is to involve undergraduate students in frontier research on nonlinear dynamics. The program will involve approximately 10 students who will spend 11 weeks in the summer on campus involved in research in small teams. Research projects will be theoretical, experimental or both. Examples of research topics are: theoretical studies of spatio-temporal chaos and synchronism of chaotic systems, experimental studies of patterns in granular media, the development of singularities in fluids and solids, nonlinear dynamics in optical systems, nonlinear dynamics in charged particle beams and devices, and turbulence and nonlinear phenomena in plasmas. A seminar series will complement, and reinforce the learning experience. Students will present the results of their research at the end of the session. The conference will be held on campus, but will include guests, researchers, and referees (for the best paper competition) from off-campus locations as well. The program targets talented students who have completed their sophomore year in the physical sciences or engineering. Effort will be made to recruit students from under represented groups and students from schools lacking similar research opportunities. The site is supported by the Department of Defense in partnership with the NSF REU program.