This proposal from a non-Ph.D. granting institution is for acquisition of a new multi-user high power pulsed laser system with fast gated CCD camera for support of research and undergraduate and graduate education in molecular physics and plasma physics. Research in these areas at Wesleyan has been ongoing for many years and was greatly aided by an NSF Major Instrumentation Grant in 1991 for the acquisition of a multi-user pulsed laser system awarded to the three co-PIs on the present proposal (Lutz Huwel, Tom Morgan and Brian Stewart). The new laser system with a fast detection CCD system requested in this proposal is necessary in order to upgrade the experimental capabilities and to increase the effectiveness in research and training. The proposed multi-user facility will be a direct benefit to all three PIs molecular physics research and will allow new collaborative work in the area of plasma physics to begin between the PIs. It will allow the research groups' access to greatly increased experimental capabilities and provide education and training to undergraduates and graduate students in molecular and plasma physics. The broader impacts involve student education and collaboration among research groups.