Like the physical infrastructure of roads, bridges, power grids, telephone lines, and water systems that support modern society, "cyberinfrastructure" refers to the distributed computer, information and communication technologies combined with the personnel and integrating components that provide a long-term platform to empower scientific research. Scientists and engineers increasingly rely on the availability of globally accessible information cyberinfrastructure to drive research and education.
Cyberinfrastructure in the 21st Century will be involved in developing resources, such as supercomputers, high-capacity mass-storage systems, system software suites and programming environments, interactive visualization, large-scale data repositories and digitized scientific data management systems.
These will be connected by high capacity networks of various reach and granularity, coupled with an array of software tools and services that hide the underlying complexities and heterogeneity, while seeking to provide ubiquitous access and enhanced usability. Further, support will be needed for the training of current and future generations of researchers, educators, and technical specialists who will use and support these resources. That is where the work of this research team is directed.
In collaboration with related cyber-infrastructure projects iVDGL, CHEPREO, and also UltraLight E&O efforts, this group will reach a variety of students at collaborating institutes including a significant number of students from traditionally underrepresented groups and minorities and students from our collaborating international institutions.