This award provides support for students to participate in the RIA Summer School on Exotic Beam Physics at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 17-22, 2006. The school is designed for graduate students, senior undergraduate students who are actively involved in research, and postdocs (within 2 years of their degree). The school will consist of morning lectures and hands-on activities in the afternoons at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility. Students will also have an opportunity to present their research. The aim of the summer school is to nurture future RIA scientists so that the community will have sufficient manpower to effectively use Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) when it comes online.
In years to come, substantial progress in low-energy nuclear physics will have a broad impact on society, ranging from our understanding of the origin of the elements to the enhancement of national security. An important element in this progress will be to extend the study of nuclei into new domains of isospin. This will require new radioactive ion beam facilities, together with advanced multi-detector arrays and mass spectrometers