This award supports the renewal of an REU site in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Toledo. The REU site will provide a diversity of cutting-edge research opportunities for undergraduate students in: Astrophysics/Astronomy; Atomic/Molecular/Optical/Plasma Physics; Biological/Health/Medical Physics; and in Condensed Matter/Materials Science Physics (with specialization in thin films and photovoltaics). Opportunities exist in these areas for both experimental and theoretical research. The research projects are chosen such that the students' projects could lead to publication in the appropriate professional research journals. Past REU students have coauthored at least 32 refereed publications and have over 80 presentations at professional meetings over the fifteen years of REU support. Undergraduate research participation in the department has been vigorously supported by the faculty. In addition to full-time research, the students are required to: register for one credit hour in PHYS4910: Research Topics in Physics and Astronomy, attend two Bag Lunch series, help with the Physics Summer Camp, present a Progress Talk, present a Final Talk, and write a Final Report. REU students will be involved in exciting state-of-the-art research in a department that allows individualized attention, yet is large enough to give students experiences in a variety of subfields of physics. A variety of social activities for the REU students are also planned. The REU site is committed to involving students from diverse backgrounds in this research experience.