This award supports the renewal of a Physics REU site at the Molecular Physics Laboratory at SRI International with a focus on atomic, molecular, and laser physics. This program provides to talented undergraduate students in science, mathematics, and engineering the opportunity to participate in research projects for 12 weeks during the summer. Based on the individual student's interests, each student is assigned to a Ph.D. mentor from the SRI staff and works with this mentor on a project that is part of the mentor's research program. In addition, the REU program presents a seminar series, in which SRI staff members or outside visitors describe their research programs. A series of scientific activities such as visits to industrial, university, and government laboratories complement the experience, as do additional social activities. At the end of the summer, each REU student presents a seminar to the MPL staff on the results of his/her research project. With help from their mentors, the students also prepare a written summary of their research plan and goals at the beginning of the summer and a final report at the end. Underrepresented minorities and women students are especially recruited and encouraged to apply to participate.