This theoretical research program, to be performed by researchers at Georgia Southern University in collaboration with researchers at the University of Maryland at College Park (UMCP), the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom, will study ways in which ultra-cold atoms, manipulated by lasers and magnetic fields, can operate as a "quantum computer". The dynamics of mixtures of ultra-cold atoms, in states known as Bose-Einstein condensates - states where the matter-wave shapes of a large collection of atoms are all the same - will be studied.
The project will enhance the infrastructure for research and education by maintaining an established collaboration among a U.S. undergraduate institution (GA Southern), a national laboratory (NIST), and an international partner (Sheffield). Broad dissemination to enhance scientific and technological understanding will be accomplished by organizing a Distinguished Lecture Series on the campus at Georgia Southern University. Finally, modeling the entire process of implementing a quantum circuit on an experimentally realized optical lattice system represents a significant step toward the development of a practical quantum?computational device. Such a device would have major societal benefits in the areas of internet and homeland security.
This research project developed methods for using systems of ultra-cold atoms for use as devices for ultra-precision measurement of gravity and magnetic fields. Furthermore, three talented undergraduate physics students were able to attend and give talks at several national physics conferences. Two of these students are currently pursuing PhDs in physics, one at Cornell University and the other at Georgia Tech. Intellectual Merit Findings Researchers on this grant developed a way to using laser-beam pulses to manipulate the atoms confined in an "atom cloud" state called a Bose-Einstein condensate so that this atom cloud state could be divided into multiple pieces. Each piece can then be exposed to differing conditions (like different strengths of gravity) and finally brought back together. When the atoms recombine their matter waves interfere in a way that enables a measurement of the differing conditions experienced by the different pieces of the cloud. Researchers also proposed methods for the implementation of these pulse methods as a practical device. Broader Impacts Findings Three undergraduate physics majors at Georgia Southern University were supported on this grant and were heavily involved in discovering the Intellectual Merit finding described above. Michael Krygier, Brandon Benton, and Jeffrey Heward were also able, through this grant, to interact with physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) including working with a Nobel Laureate (Bill Phillips). This experience inspired two of these students (Benton and Krygier) to pursue PhDs in physics. The other student now works in industry.