The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will turn on shortly and it is hoped that new strong interactions will be discovered at these higher energies. Many phenomenological models incorporating new strong dynamics have been developed in the last three decades. However, such models make assumptions about the non-perturbative behavior of these new strong interactions, which may be quite different from the only example currently observed in nature, namely quantum chromodynamics (QCD) that describes the strong interaction dynamics at present collider energies and below quite well. Given the recent successes in Lattice QCD (LQCD) in accurately determining a wide range of physical observables of strongly interacting QCD, it is timely to use the lattice regularization to perform non-perturbative calculations in the strongly interacting field theories that can emerge at LHC energies. One of the projects will be to understand in how incorporating Supersymmetry into QCD will affect the dynamics of l Electro-weak symmetry breaking (EWSB). The proposed research is divided into three projects: (1) studying the left-right current correlation function in QCD, (2) finding the conformal window for Yang-Mills theories as a function of numbers of flavors and colors, and (3) probing ''walking'' Yang-Mills theories to see if they exist and to understand their properties. The PI has an established record of incorporating undergraduate students into his research program, with a strong emphasis on mentoring students from underrepresented groups and from predominantly undergraduate institutions. Many other scientific fields, e.g. nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, signals processing, share common challenges in data analysis of exponential time series and will benefit from this research.