This award support attendance of United States graduate students at the "John Archibald Wheeler" International School on Astrophysical Relativity course entitled "Frontiers in Numerical Gravitational Astrophysics." The course will take place June 27-July 5, 2008, in Erice, Italy. The course objective is to present the gamut of computational techniques for both Newtonian and General Relativistic gravitational computation in Astrophysics. Twenty one distinguished specialists in the field will lecture at the course. Attendees will be an international group of graduate students and early career postdocs. The course will promote international collaboration and will develop and extend the skill set of students (and lecturers) in computational science. Techniques studied will be specialized to the astrophysical setting but are generally applicable to a broad range of complex problems in all the sciences, including economics and demographics, as well as the traditional "hard" sciences. This award is co-funded by the Divisions of Physics and Astronomical Sciences.