This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5).
The research here will center on two major themes, pursued with theoretical calculations, both numerical and analytic: (i) The first part of the work examines the time-dependence of quantum entanglement, to clarify and extend recently identified phenomena related to early-stage decoherence (ESD), also called entanglement sudden death. The PI further will examine entanglement in a system consisting of two atoms in two different cavities. The second part of the work deals with the dynamical evolution of quantum entanglement, to obtain an improved description of propagation in partially coherent optical absorbers of two competing and cooperating short pulses. The emphasis will be on ways to find analytical solutions. There will also be a workshop in the first area of the research, on Non-Markovian Relaxation and Entanglement Dynamics.
Students working in this research program will receive training that will enable them to continue to work in science in academic, industrial, and governmental contexts, taking their education and their talents into a wide community.