This is a Conference Award. The grant will support student travel to participate in the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science to be held in Norfolk Virginia (USA) June 20 - 24, 2010. A committee of senior faculty members will be selecting student recipients, based upon submitted applications.
Students Travel Support to Attend ICOPS 2010 PI: M. Laroussi, Co-PI: S. Dhali Old Dominion University Norfolk, VA The IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) The IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS) is sponsored by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. ICOPS brings together researchers and scientists from the plasma physics community in order to foster enhanced studies on Plasma Science and Engineering. The 37th ICOPS was held at the Marriott Waterside, Norfolk, VA, from June 20 to 24, 2010. The technical program included plenary, oral, and poster sessions. A commercial exhibition and a short course on plasma modeling and simulation were also offered. 562 abstracts from 37 countries were accepted. In total, the technical program had 217 oral presentations and 345 posters that covered the 7 technical areas of the conference. These are: 1. Basic Processes in Fully and Partially Ionized Plasmas; 2. Microwave Generation and Plasma Interactions; 3. Charged Particle Beams and Sources; 4. High Energy Density Plasmas and Applications; 5. Industrial, Commercial, and Medical Plasma Applications; 6. Plasma Diagnostics; and 7. Pulsed Power and Other Plasma Applications. The conference organizers requested $10,000 from NSF to help defray the costs of students travel grants to the conference. Intellectual Merit The students awardees attending the conference have the opportunity to present and discuss their work with senior scientists and fellow students. In addition, the students’ exposure to fellow researchers’ work enriches their experience and offer them learning opportunities. Broader Impact The students awardees attending the conference get not only the opportunity to learn technically but they also get to meet fellow researchers from all over the world including other students. This contributes to their growth both technically and socially. Students Travel Awards Students were especially encouraged to attend the conference. 28 students were selected from a pool of 41 applicants to receive travel grants. 25 of these accepted the award. The travel grant covered the registration fee and 4 hotel nights. To optimize the cost students were required to pair up in double occupancy hotel rooms. Application Process The application process was entirely web-based. From the conference web site the applicants click on a link that takes them to the application page. The students were required to have at least one recommendation and preferably two, one of which from their research/academic advisor. The students were also required to submit a travel budget. The committee that selected the awardees was chaired by Dr. Keith Cartwright (AFRL). The other members were Prof. Ravindra Joshi (ODU), Prof. Edl Schamiloglu (UNM), and Prof. Mounir Laroussi (ODU).