This project will concentrate on the generation of accurate numerical results of quantum coherent-control, laser-matter interactions, conical intersections, Efimov physics, and bimolecular reaction dynamics. Concentration will be on maping out threshold behavior, influences of conical intersections and quantum resonances. The photon-system interactions will provide a rich environment for studying and controlling chemical reactions especially at ultracold and cold temperatures. Controlling chemical reactions will have long term consequences for many research fields. Controlling which chemical species are formed may lead to the production of new compounds as well as reducing the costs of producing certain products. Applications of intense laser fields include collision induced absorption and laser induced collisional energy transfer. The projects involve state-of-the-art theories and numerical methods for studying and controlling a variety of atom-diatom collisions with and without laser fields. Several different approaches are being used so that the researchers themselves, as well as the scientific community, can see relative advantages and disadvantages of each method.
The project will support two excellent graduate students. The group is committed to providing the best possible education for its students, by providing enriched educational opportunities through advanced seminars in atomic, molecular, optical, and chemical physics during the summer. This project will increase the opportunities of students from under-represented regions in science and engineering while enhancing Oklahoma science and technology. This project will encourage faculty and students to participate in the statewide educational outreach activities of the K20 Center at the University of Oklahoma.