This award provides continued support for the experimental particle physics program at SUNY-Stony Brook. The intellectual merit will be new understanding of underlying causes for the breaking of the symmetry in the fundamental forces of nature and searches for physics not described by the Standard Model. This will be done in two experimental programs. The major effort will be with the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, where the group will continue support for the calorimeters with an emphasis on measuring electrons, photons, missing energy and long lived-particles that enable studies of W/Z bosons in association with heavy quarks. Active participation in the early physics will include measurement of W boson properties, measuring production of W bosons with jets, and new particle searches. Participating in the DØ experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron the program will extend the search for the Higgs boson, allowing its exclusion if it does not exist within the expected range 115-158 GeV, or finding evidence for its existence if it does. In addition, the group will extend its study of the like-sign dimuon asymmetry, where current results suggest an unexpected CP-violation in the B-sub(s) system and a possible explanation of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe. The broader impact includes 1) development of improved training for high school teachers, 2) continued support for the Mariachi Project that installs detectors to sense high energy cosmic rays in high school classrooms across the region, 3) public outreach through talks on physics research, accelerators and technological spinoffs, and 4) emphasizing in the training of students and postdoctoral scientists the learning of new techniques and effective communication, thereby enabling them to take leadership positions in science and technology industry or government.