The main thrust of the research program of the Louisiana Tech (LaTech) Particle Physics Group (PPG) involves parity violating electron scattering, a program of which will challenge our understanding of nucleon structure, probe the dynamics of QCD symmetry breaking, and provide precision tests of the Standard Model. Four parity violating electron scattering programs at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF), the G0, Qweak, PVDIS and a future Moller measurement after the 12 GeV TJNAF upgrade, represent parity violation measurements covering a broad range of momentum transfers from 0.03 - 2.0 (GeV/c) squared. These measurements will investigate ground state nucleon properties and properties of the nucleon during its transition to excited states, provide precision tests of the Standard Model, and constrain weak quark couplings to unprecedented levels. Each of these experiments is sensitive to unique and interesting physics, and together constitute a program of parity violation experiments in which the Louisiana Tech PPG group plays a critical role.
This award will allow the LaTech PPG group to continue to make major contributions to physics research, transfer technology from basic science to engineering applications, and enhance the educational opportunities for undergraduate students, local high school students and teachers, providing an excellent avenue for recruiting students into scientific disciplines.