Very High Energy (VHE) gamma-rays probe the most energetic non-thermal processes known in astrophysics, and provide a wealth of information regarding magnetic fields, shocks, radiation fields, and energetics in the source environment. VHE gamma-rays also enable research in fundamental particle astrophysics, including the study of candidate locations of high concentrations of Dark Matter and direct, sensitive searches for Lorentz Invariance Violation in the lepton sector. This umbrella award will continue support for the VHE gamma-ray astronomy research groups at the University of Utah (UU). The UU VERITAS group will carry out continuing observations and data analysis from the VERITAS Imagining Atmospheric Cerenkov Telescope array, the world's most sensitive VHE gamma-ray observatory. An upgrade of the VERITAS cameras, led by the UU VERITAS group, will be installed and commissioned in mid-2012. This upgrade will result in substantial increases in sensitivity, and allow exploration of the energy regime below 100 GeV. The UU HAWC group will participate in the construction, commissioning, and operations of the HAWC Observatory, which is currently under construction near Sierra Negra, Mexico. The HAWC observatory will employ an array of 300 large Water Cherenkov Detectors deployed at high altitude that record the charged particles generated by VHE gamma-rays in the Earth's atmosphere. The group will perform synergistic, coordinated observations between VERITAS and HAWC, once the HAWC observatory is fully operational.
Broader Impacts: This award will strengthen the UU VERITAS and HAWC groups' existing EPO initiatives on the local, state, and national level. During the past three years, the groups have developed and are now operating the Willard Eccles Observatory (WEO), at Frisco Peak, Utah. This robotic telescope performs multi-wavelength science observations and also provides public observing time to universities, colleges, and high schools throughout Utah. The groups have developed STEM outreach through mentorship of two high school FIRST robotics teams, and developed a statewide FIRST robotics program.