This award supports the renewal of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site at the University of Washington. The program offers a broad selection of student projects from almost every sub-field of physics. It makes use of the University of Washington's strong in-house "table-top" experimental programs; its machine-shop facilities including a first-rate student shop; CENPA, a DOE center-of-excellence in nuclear physics and astrophysics; and theory opportunities ranging from the Institute for Nuclear Theory to a twenty-teraflop local cluster. The award supports ten students per summer. Selection will be competitive, considering past academic performance, letters of recommendation, and taking into account the potential for impacting the student's career.
Each student participant will be partnered with a UW faculty advisor. Most Physics faculty members participate as advisors, as do selected faculty from affiliated departments. Student work includes: design, construction, and commissioning of instrumentation; data collection and analysis; numerical modeling; the development of software for such modeling; and theory. Not infrequently this work culminates with a journal publication.