This work supports research focused on data analysis, operations and upgrades for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), while leveraging the synergies of the group's efforts in software and computing (including hosting a Tier-2 center) and the planned upgrade of the forward pixel detector. The group will continue analyzing data recorded in 2011 and 2012, participate in construction of the upgraded pixel detector, prepare for the restart of the LHC in 2015, and then analyze the first data from 13 TeV collisions. The UNL group's physics interests include studies of the Higgs, the top quark, electroweak, QCD and B physics, plus searches for new phenomena. The group has an outreach program centered around the Cosmic Ray Observatory Project (CROP). The UNL group has also established a growing network of 29 high-school cosmic-ray research teams, studying extensive air showers in Nebraska with student-built and operated detectors, and future growth will focus on underserved rural populations. They also run a Bilingual English Speaking Tutors (BEST) program that engages 70 bilingual elementary school students and high school tutors each year, generating measurable improvements in student achievement, and a significant expansion is planned during this period.