This project supports the participation of junior researchers in the workshop "Last Frontiers in Quantum Information Science (LFQIS)". Held in Talkeetna, Alaska from July 18-22, 2019, LFQIS builds on a successful 5-year track record (2013-2017) of bringing together junior and senior researchers to collaborate and share knowledge in Quantum Information Science (QIS). LFQIS is the only annual QIS event held in Alaska. This project will allow for the participation in LFQIS of talented undergraduate students and teaching faculty at Alaskan universities interested in QIS.
This project advances the objectives of "Quantum Leap", one of the 10 Big Ideas for Future NSF Investments. The 10 big ideas will push forward the frontiers of U.S. research, provide innovative approaches to solve some of the most pressing problems the world faces, as well as lead to discoveries not yet known. This project also advances objectives of the National Quantum Initiative (NQI), a coordinated multiagency program to support research and training in Quantum Information Science (QIS).
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.