Professor Y. Kim and his coworkers have been at the forefront of research on the few-nucleon problem for twenty years. They have played a major role in the calculation of the properties of few-nucleon systems beginning with well-defined Hamiltonians. Professor Kim proposes a large and varied research program centered around three-nucleon physics, both bound-state and scattering calculations. The trinucleon continuum-state calculations are of great interest and importance, both to other theorists and to experimentalists, regarding the data to be obtained from proposed experiments. Research concerning photodisintegration and radiative capture, meson-exchange currents and three-nucleon forces, quark degrees of freedom in nuclei and relativistic light and heavy-ion collisions is also planned. Professor Y. Kim has been a leader in the analysis of the three-nucleon problem and has recently moved to quark-cluster models of light nuclei. He now proposes an extensive research program which would refine his previous work on the structure of the three-nucleon bound state using a baryons only model. Most importantly he plans to perform calculations of the trinucleon continuum states. The results of such calculations are needed for comparison with proposed experiments at the major nuclear physics accelerator centers. He also proposes theoretical investigations of the effects of quark degrees of freedom associated with few-nucleon systems and light nuclei. Numerous important and useful results will come from this research.