This action will enable a small group of physicists at Virginia Polytechnic to continue its research. The group consists of two faculty members, one senior engineer, one research associate and one student. The group is working on the fabrication of a particle detector to be used at the electron-proton colliding beam facility currently under construction in Hamburg, Germany. The fabrication of the detector is an international effort involving physicists from ten countries. The US component of the collaboration, consisting of seven universities and one national laboratory, has responsibility for the barrel calorimeter, one of the major subsystems of the detector. The photomultipliers bases for the calorimeter were developed and are being built by VPI. Other NSF supported groups in the collaboration are from Columbia University, Pennsylvania State University and the University of Iowa. Operation of the detector is scheduled for 1991. VPI is developing software and studying the radiative corrections required for the interpretation of the data. The group will also conduct R&D on detectors for the Superconducting Super Collider.