The BOREXINO collaboration proposes the construction of a real time liquid scintillator detector for the detection of low energy neutrinos including the monoenergetic Be-7 source at 0.86 MeV. The proposed detector would utilize an active volume of 100 tons of ultra-pure liquid scintillator contained within an ultra pure nylon inner vessel surrounded by a water shield and viewed by 1650 photomultiplier tubes. The project is proposed by an international collaboration from USA, Italy, Germany and Russia. It will be sited in the Laboratori Nationali Gran Sasso, an international underground particle physics laboratory in Italy. The project is approved for siting in the Gran Sasso Lab contingent on a demonstration, the Counting Test Facility (CTF), is currently under construction and should begin operation later this year with results expected beginning in early 1995. The US groups, led by the Princeton University group, propose to undertake responsibilities for the containment vessel and scintillator purification system for both CTF and BOREXINO. ***