9320551 Trippe The Berkeley Particle Data Center is the headquarters of the International Particle Data Group, whose primary task is to provide high energy physics researchers with up-to-date compiled and evaluated particle-properties data and other information they most frequently need. This information is made available to about 20,000 researchers, teachers, and students through the biennial publication of the "Review of Particle Properties" and the "Particle Properties Data Booklet." The Center and its collaborators also produces other compilations of value, "Current Experiments in Elementary Particle Physics," and "Guide to Experimental Elementary Particle Physics Literature." The Center provides computer network access to its databases via the SLAC- SPIRES system and other more modern public interfaces to its databases. The Center is also involved in the Contemporary Physics Education Project, which has developed educational materials such as a wall chart, teacher activity packet, and computer software on "Fundamental Particles and Interactions," and it has been involved in other activities such as the ICFA Review of Detector Properties and a pilot project, the AIP Physics Data Diskette. The Center's scientific staff are also active in current theoretical and experimental high energy physics research and in teaching at the University of California at Berkeley. ***