9513154 Dodge Research will be carried out in high energy electron scattering reactions centered on the study of coherent neutral pion electro- production from complex nuclei. Research in this area will advance our understanding of the interactions of the delta resonance in the nuclear medium, and test predictions of model- independent low energy theorems and chiral perturbation theory. The experiments will be carried out largely at the NIKHEF laboratory in Holland. Planning for future experiments at the CEBAF laboratory to test the Drell-Hearn-Gerasimov sum rule will also be carried out. This activity relates to probing the spin- structure of nucleons. Development, construction, and utilization of major state-of-the-art equipment, including drift chambers for the CEBAF CLAS spectrometer, is integral to this latter activity. All of the above topics are high priority activities in contemporary nuclear physics. ***