9515418 Chupp Experiments will be carried out using polarization observables to study the nucleon structure and to probe the standard model of particle physics. The nucleon spin structure will be studied at SLAC using deep inelastic electron scattering from polarized targets of H, D, and 3He. At MIT/Bates at lower energy quasielastic electron scattering will be used to measure the electric form factor of the neutron using polarized 3He. These data will also provide information on the structure of the 3He nucleus. As a test of the standard model the beta decay of polarized neutrons will be studied at the NIST reactor to search for time reversal invariance violations. All of these experiments are of high scientific interest to the community. In these various activities the Michigan group will play an especially important role in the developments and improvements in the polarized targets, particularly those using optical pumping techniques. This development, carried out a Michigan, provides excellent training and educational opportunities for the students. In addition to optical pumping has several applied aspects, such as NMR imaging. ***