An REU Site will be continued in the Physics Department of the University of Massachusetts-Lowell. Undergraduate students will be given a rich experience in physics research that will provide sufficient means for them to seriously consider a research career in science. The students will carry out their own research in the setting of a research group composed of other undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty. This will foster both student- student and student-faculty interaction. Each student will have a faculty mentor. The students will be fully integrated into the research groups and thus contribute significantly to the research effort. The major goal of the program is to expose the students to a research environment and have them develop some of the skills necessary for carrying out physics research. Another aim of the program is to attract those students who would not normally have a chance to do research and women, minority members, and the disabled, groups who are typically underrepresented in physics. A supplementary ethics program that may be offered will sensitize the students to the ethics involved in scientific research. Students will be housed on campus and be offered a number of cultural, community, and recreational activities.