This three-year grant will support the research of three faculty members, two post-doctoral fellows, and three graduate students to perform a variety of experiments in medium-energy nuclear physics. Much of the activity of the group is focused around measurements of the neutron polarization. These experiments include studies of the complete set of spin observables in the reaction of polarized protons with a variety of targets at the neutron polarization facility at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility. These experiments use specialized detectors developed by Kent State to measure normal and sideways polarizations of the neutron simultaneously. Measurements with 2H 3He, and 4He targets would study the nucleon-nucleon interaction part that is mediated by a single pion or rho meson. Other experiments would study the isovector response of the nuclear continuum and the isovector giant dipole resonance. The determination of the electric form factor of the neutron would be obtained from neutron polarization measurements using polarized electron beams at the MIT-Bates Laboratory and the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (TJNAF). Other experiments include a search for three-body forces and a search for pion-field effects. This grant would also support experiments with the Crystal Ball at the Brookhaven National Laboratory AGS and the CLAS detector at Hall B at TJNAF in order to study neutral baryon resonances and nucleon resonances, respectively.