The ten week summer research program in Physics and Astronomy at the University of Oklahoma will be continued, to provide undergraduates with an opportunity to participate in substantial scientific research in one of four areas: astrophysics, condensed matter, atomic and molecular physics or high energy physics. Ten external students will be funded by the REU site grant and five to seven OU and native Oklahoman students will be funded by the University and the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education each year. The goal of the program is to encourage and prepare students to seek further educational and career opportunities in physics and astronomy. External students will be recruited nationally with emphasis on underrepresented groups and participants who otherwise lack opportunities for research experience. They will be matched with individual research mentors in their stated area of interest. Students will present their results at regional SPS and APS conferences. The program will build upon the previous success in introducing students of diverse backgrounds to modern research in an engaging setting.