This proposal requests support for a group at the University of California Los Angeles to work on (a) the CMS experiment currently being built for running at the CERN Laboratory in Geneva, Switzerland, and (b) the HERA-B experiment currently taking data at the DESY Laboratory in Hamburg, Germany. The CMS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will investigate proton-proton interactions at a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The physics program includes probing for quark and lepton substructure and new heavy gauge bosons, electroweak symmetry breaking and the origin of mass, properties of top-quark production and decay, CP-violation and other rare phenomena in B-meson decay and the search for supersymmetric particles and other phenomena beyond the Standard Model. The UCLA group will focus its efforts on the "higher-level" trigger and data acquisition (DAQ) areas. In addition, they will prepare for the CMS low-intensity B-physics running which will be a major component in early LHC running and will later be important for b-jet tagging of more exotic states. The objective of the HERA-B experiment is the discovery and study of CP-violation and other topics in B-meson decay. HERA-B is a "fixed-target" experiment in the forward direction at the HERA proton storage ring that uses wire targets in the halo of the stored beam and a silicon microvertex detector inside the vacuum pipe. The primary goal is measurement of the CP-violation parameter, sin(2b), for the decay Bd J/Y KS comparable to that of an electron-positron "b-factory". They expect to measure 400 such events by the summer of 2000.