The primary purpose of this assignment is to assist , by way of technical and administrative functions, the internal management and inter-agency coordination of the High Latitude Dynamics Program.
Dr. Robin Muench of Earth & Space Research will serve at ONR Headquarters, full time, under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPPA) Mobility Program, as an Assistant Program Manager, ONR 322HL. Approximately half of his time will be spent on assignment at the National Science Foundation, which is providing half of the cost of funds for this IPA.
The period of the assignment will be for 24 months, from 01 October 2000 to 30 September 2002, with an option to extend two additional years if the assignment is of continued benefit to ONR. This proposed IPAP assignee is uniquely qualified and available for this assignment.
In assessing the relative benefits to INR and the parent organization of this IPA, ONR is determined to be the principal beneficiary because of its critical need for his expertise and agrees to pay 100% of the salary, fringe benefit and travel costs. Because of its own critical need for the expertise provided by this IPA, the National Science Foundation by seperate arrangement is providing 50% of the funds required to fund this IPA.